Top 7 Yoga Poses You Can Do on a Road Trip
Setting out on a grand adventure can be incredibly enlightening. There’s nothing more exciting than a road trip to unite you with your loved ones. But here is the thing, between all the fun that you have on a road trip, one has to sit at the same position which can cause your legs to get heavy and your back to ever-so-slightly stiff. When you are preparing for a long or short road trip, remember that the benefits of yoga poses, stretch breaks, and breathing can help make your road trip enjoyable.
Below you can find the list of Top 7 yoga poses you can do on a road trip curated by UnCrushedLeaves Store, which can help you stay relaxed, fit, and energetic during your road trip.
UnCrushedLeaves Store provides an opportunity to explore Yoga through online Yoga Classes conducted by certified instructors. Explore more now at Health and Fitness.
7 Best Road Trip Yoga Poses
1. Standing Side Stretch

Doing a standing side stretch pose makes you feel better after you have been sitting in the car for hours. You have to just step out of the car and reach your arms above your head, hook your thumbs, take a little bend in the knees and take some side bending, going side to side to help open up. It’s a wonderful and easy stretch for the sides of your body and your spine. It helps to release tension in the muscles holding your ribs together, which allows you to breathe with ease.
2. Sun salutation

In Sun salutation, you reach your arms up to the sky in mountain pose, grounding down through your feet, and this way you’re stretching your entire body up while binding your roots. From that mountain pose, take a forward fold, and this will help you to bring more length into your body after being compressed in the car, then move back into the down dog pose. It is also a power pose that can make you feel confident.
3. Standing backbend

In standing backbend yoga pose, you lift the chest, lean a little bit back and lift the heart as high as you can and find a backbend or grab for opposite elbows above your head and find a little backbend there. This pose helps the contracted muscles around the hips and the lower back to feel relaxed and stretched. This pose improves the muscles’ range of motion over time.
You can also explore Top 6 essential yoga poses for marathoners curated by UnCrushedLeaves Store for marathon runners.
4. Garland Pose (Malasana)

Malasana is one of the easiest poses you can do while you are on a road trip. You can perform this pose by keeping your torso and upper legs hinged at a comfortable degree angle. It feels incredible on the hips. Malasana opens your hips, groin and stretches your ankles, lower hamstrings, back, and neck that have been in the same position for a long time while driving. It also helps in proper blood circulation.
5. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

When traveling in a car, we tend to round our spine inwards, so anything that can counteract that is good to do. Doing a Uttanasana, where you just bend your knees and hang over your legs and grab for opposite elbows, can help to draw more length into your spine. It also helps to create space where the lower lumbar was compressing. It can wake up the hamstrings. Forward bend lengthens and stretches the backs of your legs. It helps to calm the mind when you are exhausted by long road trips. It also provides a fresh perspective as you invert the head below your heart.
6. Down dog

Down dog stretches the backs of the legs, and it just opens up so many places that get tight when you are sitting for a while at the same position. For down dog pose you plug your feet into the ground and plug your hands into the ground. It builds a circuit of energy through the whole body. It also sends energy through the legs that get a little stagnant when you are sitting.
7. Crescent Lunge

Crescent Lunge is a great pose to power up the legs and lengthens through the torso. You can feel the strength and power coming from your toes through your fingertips when you activate your legs when doing this pose.
Sitting for extended periods, whether in the car or bus or any vehicle has been linked to increased blood pressure, risk of cardiovascular disease, pain in your low back, ache in your neck, headache, and other health concerns.
Taking regular breaks to move, circulate the blood, and breathe deliberately help keep you quiet and agile for your journey.
Our earnest suggestion is to practice yoga with a qualified practitioner. UnCrushedLeaves Store provides an opportunity to explore Yoga through online Yoga Classes conducted by certified instructors. Know more at UnCrushedLeaves Store.